Flexible Shift Scheduling and Auto Shift
Software administrator can assign exible schedules which support cross-day timing to the employees. It refers to the time between an employee's work start time and end time (measured in minutes). The filled value may not be equal to the actual interval between punching in and out. The value may be larger or smaller than this interval, depending on the company system. Normally, this value can neither larger than 480 nor smaller than 0. If this value is 0, this timetable is overtime and needs not to be counted as work time. The system will automatically count this timetable as overtime.
It refers to a default attendance shift set in the system. It is a cycle of flexible timetable within a week. If an employee works in a flexible schedule and attendance checking is required, a flexible shift can be arranged. If an employee has a punching record without a shift arranged, the attendance is calculated based on flexible shifts and classified as some overtime such as overtime on days off or on holidays. The flexible shift is applicable to business owners, business personnel, service staff and order-oriented production people.
In the settings of a flexible timetable, the work delay is not counted as overtime, and late arrival, early leaving or absence is not counted. The attendance calculation for a flexible timetable is second punching time minus first punching time, fourth punching time minus third punching time, and so on. The line numbers of its report are generated automatically. If four records exist, the daily report on that day has two lines. If six records exist, the daily report has three lines. Besides, the attendance time in a timetable is check-out time minus check-in time of this timetable.